Resources for Providers

The Amneal PATHways® Patient Support Program is designed to help patients and providers stay on course toward accessible treatment, with resources such as:

The Amneal PATHways® Co-pay Assistance Card

Eligible, commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 per treatment with an Amneal Biosciences product.

PATHways® Provider Brochure

Outlines the services offered by the PATHways program so you can be confident in the level of support you and your patients can expect when using an Amneal medication.

PEMRYDI RTU® Prescriber Brochure

Outlines PEMRYDI RTU® product information, such as storage & preparation, dosing, ordering, and support services offered by Amneal PATHways.

PEMRYDI RTU® Product Information Sheet

Presents key product attributes for PEMRYDI RTU® as well as ordering and storage and handling information.

PEMRYDI RTU® Coding and Billing Guide

Provides information about third-party reimbursement for PEMRYDI RTU®, including relevant codes, sample claim forms, and the Amneal PATHways® program.

For information on enrollment, claims submissions, and reimbursement, go to the PATHways Provider Portal.

Resources for Patients

The Amneal PATHways® Patient Support Program provides enrolled patients with a range of resources and services designed to help them access treatment, including:

The Amneal PATHways® Co-pay Assistance Card

Eligible, commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 per treatment with an Amneal Biosciences product.

PATHways Welcome Guide

Learn what is available to you and how to move your individual treatment path forward.

PEMRYDI RTU® Patient Brochure

Describes what PEMRYDI RTU® is and the possible side effects and reviews patient support services offered by Amneal PATHways.

Once your healthcare provider prescribes an Amneal medication, ask about enrolling in the Amneal PATHways® Patient Support Program or download an enrollment form to complete together.

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